2984 |
Snapshot of phase transition in thermoresponsive hydrogel PNIPAM: Role in drug delivery and tissue engineering
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1970-01-01 |
188 |
2983 |
Letter: The Association of Serum Cystatin C with Glycosylated Hemoglobin in Korean Adults (Diabetes Metab J 2016;40:62-9)
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1970-01-01 |
180 |
2982 |
A Fast Comparison Algorithm to Measure the Accuracy of Ortholog Clusters
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1970-01-01 |
146 |
2981 |
A Case of Severe Peripheral Polyneuropathy Occurring after Entecavir Treatment in a Hepatitis B Patient
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1970-01-01 |
153 |
2980 |
Sensitization to and Challenge with Gliadin Induce Pancreatitis and Extrapancreatic Inflammation in HLA-DQ8 Mice: An Animal Mod
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1970-01-01 |
144 |
2979 |
Synthesis and biological evaluation of 2-phenol-4-chlorophenyl-6-aryl pyridines as topoisomerase II inhibitors and cytotoxic ag
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1970-01-01 |
188 |
2978 |
Robot-assisted Fallopian Tube Transection-anastomosis using the New REVO-I Robotic Surgical System: Feasibility in a Chronic Po
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1970-01-01 |
245 |
2977 |
Set Up and Operation for Medical Radiation Exposure Quality Control System of Health Promotion Center
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1970-01-01 |
156 |
2976 |
MRI-defined versus clinically-defined vascular depression; comparison of prediction of functional disability in the elderly
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1970-01-01 |
147 |
2975 |
Role of Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring in Detection of Coronary Artery Disease according to Framingham Risk Score in Populatio
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1970-01-01 |
127 |